Loch Ness Project Adrian Shine

Loch Ness Alphabetical

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St. Adomnan, (690 AD) Vita Sancti Columbae  

Baker,D.L. (1993). A Palaeolimnological Reconstruction of the Recent History of the Catchment of a Scottish Loch. B.Sc. Dissert. University of Wolverhampton.  

Baker, P.F. and Westwood, M. (1960) Underwater detective work. Scotsman, 12th, 13th, 14th Sept.  

Baker, P.F. and Westwood, M. (1962) Sounding out the Monster. The Observer, 26th Aug.  

Bauer, H.H. (1986) The Enigma of Loch Ness: Making Sense of a Mystery. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press  

Bean, C.W., Winfield, I.J. and Fletcher, J.M. (1996) Stock assessment of the Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) population in Loch Ness, U.K. Stock Assessment in Inland Fisheries (Ed. I. G. Cowx), Fishing News Books, Oxford: Blackwell, Scientific Publications, pp. 206-223  

Bennett,S. (1993) Patterns and Processes of Sedimentation in Loch Ness. B.Sc. Dissert. University of Staffordshire .  

Bennett,S and Shine,A.J. (1993) Review of Current Work on Loch Ness Sediment Cores. Scottish Naturalist 1993. 105:55-63.  

Binns, R. (1983) The Loch Ness Mystery Solved. Shepton Mallet (Somerset) : Open Books.  

Bracewell,C.E. (1993) A Geochemical Study of the Natural and Pollutant Compounds in Loch Ness, Scotland. M.Sc. Dissert. University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.  

Braithwaite, H. (1968). Sonar picks up stirrings in Loch Ness. New Scientist, (19th Dec. 1968) 40 : 664 - 666  

Brookes, S. (1994) An Analysis of a Pollen and Diatom Record from Loch Ness Sediment. B.Sc. Dissert. Nene College. 

Burton, M. (1961) The Elusive Monster. London: Rupert Hart-Davis  

Cahill, R.A. (1997) A Comment on the Food-Chain Dynamics of a Large Oligotrophic Lake (Loch Ness, Scotland), during the Summer Period. B.Sc. Dissert. University of Salford.  

Campbell, E.M. and Solomon, D. (1970) Loch Morar Survey. Report   (PDF Format 6696K)

Campbell, E.M. and Solomon, D. (1971) Loch Morar Survey. Report   (PDF Format 1464K)

Campbell, E.M. and Solomon, D.(1972) Loch Morar Survey. Report (PDF Format 1204K)

Campbell, E.M. and Solomon, D. (1972) The Search for Morag. London: Tom Stacey  

Campbell, S., (1986) The Loch Ness Monster, The Evidence. The Aquarian Press, rev. ed. 1991, Aberdeen University Press  

Carruth, J.A. (Undated) Loch Ness and it's Monster. Fort Augustus: Abbey Press  

Cooper, M.C. (1998) Laminated Sediments of Loch Ness, Scotland: Indicators of Holocene Environmental Change. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Plymouth.  

Cooper, M.C., O'Sullivan, P.E., Harkness, D.D., Lawson, E.M., Bull, D., Kemp, A.E.S., Peglar, S.M., Matthews, N.M., Jones, R.I. and Shine, A.J. (1998) 14C Dating of laminated sediments from Loch Ness, Scotland. Radiocarbon, Vol 40, No2 : 781-793.  

Cooper, M.C., O'Sullivan, P.E. and Shine, A.J. (2000) Climate and solar variability recorded in Holocene laminated sediments - a preliminary assessment. Quaternary International 68-71 : 363-371  

Costello, P. (1974) In Search of Lake Monsters. London: Garnstone  

Davies, J. (1995) A Palaeolimnological Study on the Diatom Flora of Loch Morar, Scotland. B.Sc. Dissert. University of Wolverhampton.  

Davison, C. (1891) On the Inverness earthquakes of November 15th to December 14th , 1890. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 47 : 618-32  

Dawson, A.G., Smith, D.E. and Long, D. (1990) Evidence for a Tsunami from a Mesolithic Site in Inverness, Scotland. Journal of Archaeological Science, 17 : 509 -512  

Dean, J., Kemp, A.E.S., Bull, D., Pike, J., Patterson, G. and Zolitschka, B., (1999). Taking varves to bits: scanning electron microscopy in the study of laminated sediments and varves. Journal of Paleolimnology 22 : 121-136  

Dinsdale, T. (1961) Loch Ness Monster. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Philadelphia: Chilton, 1962; 2nd ed. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1972; 3rd ed., 1976; 4th ed.,1982  

Dinsdale, T. (1966) The Leviathans. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul; 2nd rev. ed., London: Futura, 1976.  

Dinsdale, T. (1975) Project Water Horse. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul  

Duckmanton, A. (1996) An Investigation into a Possible Predator/Prey Interaction Between Two Species of Zooplankton in Loch Ness. B.Sc. Dissert. Staffordshire University.  

Ellis, W.S. (1977) Loch Ness - The Lake and the Legend. National Geographic, June: 758-79

Firth, C.R. (1986) Isostatic depression during the Loch Lomond Stadial: preliminary evidence from the Great Glen, northern Scotland. Quaternary Newsletter 48: 1-9

Frain, J. (1998) A Geochemical Study of Heavy Metals in Loch Ness, Scotland. B. Sc. Dissert. Aberystwyth, University of Wales.  

Frere, R. (1988) Loch Ness. London: John Murray  

Fulcher,A.S. (1993) Studies of the Plankton of Loch Ness, Scotland. 3. Rotifers. Verhandlugen der Internationalen Vereinigung fur Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie. 25:460.

Fulcher,A.S. (1996) Rotifers of Loch Ness and the Cumbrian Lakes. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Lancaster.  

George, D.G. and Jones, D.H. (1987). Catchment effects on the horizontal distribution of phytoplankton in five of Scotland's largest freshwater lochs. Journal of Ecology, 75 : 43-59  

George, D. G. and Winfield, I.J. (2000) Factors influencing the spatial distribution of zooplankton and fish in Loch Ness, UK. Freshwater Biology 43: 557-570  

Gibson, J.A. (Ed.) (1993) Collected Papers on Loch Ness Research Initiated by the Loch Ness and Morar Project. Scottish Naturalist, 105: 1-282  

Gould, R.T. (1934) The Loch Ness Monster and Others. London: Geoffrey Bles. New York: University Books, 1969

Grey,J. (2000) Tracing the elusive Holopedium gibberum in the plankton of Loch Ness. Glasgow Naturalist Vol. 23 Part 5: 29-34

Grey, J. (2001) Ontogeny and dietary specialization in brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) from Loch Ness, Scotland, examined using stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 10 : 168 - 176.

Grey, J. (2002) A chironomid conundrum: queries arising from stable isotopes. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 28: 102-105

Grey, J. and Jones, R.I. (1999) Carbon Stable Isotopes Reveal Complex Trophic Interactions in Lake Plankton. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 13 : 1311-1314  

Grey, J., Jones, R.I., & Sleep, D. (2001) Seasonal changes in the importance of the source of organic matter to the diet of zooplankton in Loch Ness, as indicated by stable isotope analysis. Limnol. Oceanogr., 2001, 505-513.

Grey, J., Jones, R.I. & Sleep, D. (2000) Stable isotope analysis of the origins of zooplankton carbon in lakes of differing trophic state. Oecologia 123: 232-240  

Grey,J., Thackeray, S.J., Jones, R.I. & Shine, A.J. Ferox Trout (Salmo trutta) as 'Russian dolls': complementary gut content and stable isotope analyses of the Loch Ness foodweb. Freshwater Biology 47: 1235-1243

Griffiths,H.I., (Ongoing) Applications of Freshwater Ostracods in the Study of Late Quaternary Palaeoenvironments of North Western Europe. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Cardiff.  

Griffiths,H.I. and Martin,D.S. (1993) The Spatial Distribution of Benthic Ostracods in the Profundal Zone of Loch Ness. Scottish Naturalist 105: 137-147.  

Griffiths,H.I., Martin,D.S., Shine,A.J., and Evans,J.G. (1993). The Ostracod Fauna (Crustacea, Ostracoda) of the Profundal Benthos of Loch Ness. Hydrobiologia, 254: 111-117. 

Grimshaw, R. and Lester, P. (1976) The Meaning of the Loch Ness Monster. Occasional paper. Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, University of Birmingham. 42pp.  

Grinvalds, R.S. (1979) Species of the Profundal Fauna at 300m Depth from Loch Morar, Scotland. B.Sc. Dissert. Royal Holloway College.  

Harris, S.J. (1995) Methanogenesis in Organic Rich Sediment Cores from a Deep Oligotrophic Lake, Loch Ness. M.Sc. Dissert. University of Newcastle.  

Harrison, P. (1999) The Encyclopaedia of the Loch Ness Monster. London: Robert Hale

Hartley,A. (1993) Plankton Bioassay of Loch Ness Water. B.Sc. Dissert. University of Lancaster.  

Hasler, H.G. (1962) Jester in search of the joker. The Observer, 19th Aug.  

Hewitt, D.P. (1998) Factors influencing the spatial distribution of crustacean zooplankton in Loch Ness. M.Phil. Dissert. University of Lancaster.

Holiday, F.W. (1968) The Great Orm of Loch Ness. London: Faber and Faber  

Holiday, F. W. (1973) The Dragon and the Disc. London: Sidgwick and Jackson 

James, D. (undated. Probably 1967) Loch Ness Investigation. London: The Loch Ness Phenomena Investigation Bureau.  

James, D. (1961) Time to Meet the Monster. The Field, 23rd Nov. : 951-53  

James, D. (1962) The Monster Again. The Field, 14th June: 1060  

James, D. (1964) 'We find that there is some unidentified animate object in Loch Ness'. The Observer, May17th. (Report on the 1963 expedition)  

James, D. (1964) Fine -weather monster. The Observer, 27th Dec. (Report on the 1964 expedition)  

James, D. (1965) The Loch Ness Investigation.Report  (PDF Format 409K)

James, D. (1966) The Loch Ness Investigation. Annual Report  (PDF Format 632K)

James, D. (1967) The Loch Ness Investigation. Annual Report   (PDF Format 865K)

James, D. (1968) The Loch Ness Investigation. Annual Report   (PDF Format 1662K)

James, D. (1969) The Loch Ness Investigation. Annual Report  (PDF Format 3501K)

Jenkins,P.H. (1993). Loch Ness Sediments: A Preliminary Report. Scottish Naturalist 105:65-86. 

Jenkins,P.H. (1993) Results of Water Chemistry Study of Loch Ness. Scottish Naturalist 105:45-54.  

Jensen, I.C. (1996) Loch Ness as a Source of Atmospheric Methane. M.Sc. Dissert. University of Newcastle.  

Jones, R.I., Fulcher, A.S., Jayakody, J.K.U., Laybourn-Parry, J., Shine, A.J., Walton, M.C. and Young, J.M. (1995) The horizontal distribution of plankton in a deep, oligotrophic lake- Loch Ness, Scotland. Freshwater Biology 33: 161-170  

Jones, R.I. and Grey, J. (2001) Sources and fluxes of inorganic carbon in a deep, oligotrophic lake (Loch Ness, Scotland). Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Vol.15, No 4 : 863 - 870.

Jones, R.I., Grey, J., Sleep, D. and  Quarmby, C. (1997) An assessment, using stable isotopes, of the importance of allochthonous organic carbon sources to the pelagic food web in Loch Ness. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B (1998) 265 : 105 -111  

Jones, R.I., Laybourn-Parry, J., Walton, M.C. and Young, J.M. (1997) The forms and distribution of carbon in a deep, oligotrophic lake (Loch Ness, Scotland)  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 26 : 330 - 334.  

Jones, R.I. and Young, J.M. (1998) Control of bacterioplankton growth and abundance in deep, oligotrophic Loch Ness (Scotland). Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 15 : 15 - 24.  

Jones, R.I., and Young, J.M. (2000) Control of bacterioplankton growth in three oligotrophic lakes of differing humic content. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27: 2917-2921

Jones, R.I., Young, J.M. and Hartley, A.M. (1996) Light limitation of phytoplankton development in an oligotrophic lake - Loch Ness, Scotland.  Freshwater Biology 35 : 533 - 543.  

Jones, V.J., Battarbee, R.W., Rose, N.L., Curtis, C., Appleby, P.G., Harriman, R. and Shine, A.J. (1997)  Evidence for the pollution of Loch Ness from the analysis of its recent sediments. The Science of the Total Environment 203 : 37-49

Klein, M. and Finklelstein, C. (1976). Sonar serendipity in Loch Ness. Technology Review, Dec. 1976 : 44 -57

Klein, M., Rines, R.H., Dinsdale, T. and Foster, L.S. (1972) Underwater Search at Loch Ness. Monograph, Academy of Applied Science 1972, 104 pp  

Kubecka, J., Duncan, A., and Butterworth, A.J. (1993) Large and Small Organisms Detected in the Open Waters of Loch Ness by Dual-Beam Acoustics. Scottish Naturalist 105: 175-193.  

Laybourn-Parry, J.E.M. and Walton, M.C. (1993) Studies of the Plankton of Loch Ness Scotland. 2. The Microbial Loop. Verhandlugen der Internationalen Vereinigung fur Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie, 25:459.  

Laybourn-Parry, J., Walton, M.C., Young, J., Jones, R.I. and Shine, A.J. (1994) Protozooplankton and bacterioplankton in a large oligotrophic lake- Loch Ness, Scotland. Journal of Plankton Research. Vol.16 no12 :1655-1670  

Laybourn-Parry, J. and Walton, M. (1998) Seasonal heterotrophic flagellate and bacterial plankton dynamics in a large oligotrophic lake - Loch Ness, Scotland. Freshwater Biology 39: 1-8

Lehn, W.B. (1979) Atmospheric refraction and lake monsters. Science, 205: 183-185  

Lee, G.W. and Collet, L.W. (1908) The Deposits of Loch Ness. The Geographical Journal, Vol. 31. No. 1 : 58 - 61 (PDF Format 342K)

Love, R. (1970). Sonar results from Loch Ness. Loch Ness Investigation, Annual Report, 1969 : 9 - 12  

Loveland, J.P. (1997) Investigation into the Horizontal Distribution of Cladoceran Zooplankton in a Deep Oligotrophic Lake, Loch Ness, Scotland. B.Sc. Dissert. University of Salford.  

Mackal. R. P. (1976) The Monsters of Loch Ness. Chicago: Swallow. London: Macdonald and Jane's, 1976  

Maitland, P.S. (Editor) (1981). The Ecology of Scotland's Largest Lochs Lomond, Awe, Ness, Morar and Shiel. Monographiae Biologicae, Vol. 44 Junk : The Hague  

1 . Introduction and catchment analysis, by Peter S. Maitland . 1-27

2. Comparative physical limnology, by Ian R. Smith, Alex A. Lyle & Andrew J. Rosie. 29-65  

3. Chemical characterisation. A one‑year comparative study, by Antony E. Bailey‑Watts & Pamela Duncan. 67-89  

4. The phytoplankton, by Antony E. Bailey‑Watts & Pamela Duncan. 91-118  

5. A review of macrophyte studies, by Antony E. Bailey‑Watts & Pamela Duncan.119-134  

6. The crustacean zooplankton, by Peter S. Maitland, Barbara D. Smith & Gillian M. Dennis.135-154  

7. The littoral zoobenthos, by Barbara D. Smith, Peter S. Maitland, Mark R. Young & Michael J. Carr.155-203 

8. The profundal zoobenthos, by Barbara D. Smith, Stephen P. Cuttle & Peter S. Maitland.205-222  

9. The fish and fisheries, by Peter S. Maitland, Barbara D. Smith & Sheila M. Adair.223-251  

10. Comparisons and synthesis, by Peter S. Maitland, lan R. Smith, Antony E. Bailey‑Watts, Barbara D. Smith & Alex A. Lyle. 253-283  

Mansfield, C.A. (1992). A Study of Biogenic and Anthropogenic Compounds in Sediment Cores from Loch Ness, Scotland. M.Sc. Dissertation. University of Newcastle.  

Marjoram, R.S. (1993). An Investigation of the Identification and Behaviour of an Acoustic Scattering Layer in Loch Ness, Scotland. B.Sc. Dissert. Worcester College of Education.  

Martin, D. and Boyd, A. (1999) Nessie : The Surgeon's Photograph Exposed. London : Martin & Boyd.  

Martin, D.S. and Shine, A.J. (1993) The Food and Feeding Relationships of Pelagic Fish in Loch Ness. Scottish Naturalist 105 : 149-174.  

Martin, D.S., Shine, A.J. and Duncan, A. (1993) The Profundal Fauna of Loch Ness and Loch Morar. Scottish Naturalist 105 : 113-136.  

Meacham, N.J. (1993) The Fecundity and Associated Ecological Factors of the Arctic Charr, Salvelinus alpinus, and Brown Trout, Salmo trutta, in Loch Ness, Scotland. B.Sc. Dissert. University of Hull.

Memory, F.W. (1933) Daily Mail, Dec18th 1933 - Jan. 19th 1934 (PDF Format 2510K) 

Meredith, D. (1977) The Search at Loch Ness. New York: Quadrangle  

Merritt, J.W., Auton, C.A. and Firth, C.R. (1995) Ice-Proximal Glaciomarine Sedimentation and Sea-level Change in the Inverness Area: A Review of the Deglaciation of a Major Ice Stream of the British Late Devensian Ice Sheet. Quaternary Science Review, 14: 289-329  

Miller, K.C. (1993). A Study of Sedimentary Markers. within the Lacustrine Environment. B.Sc. Dissert. University of Lancaster.  

Millward, D. (1992) A Palynological Sedimentation Study of a Core from the South Basin of Loch Ness. B.Sc. Dissert. University of Hull.  

Mortimer, C.H. (1955). Some effects of the Earth's rotation on water movement in stratified lakes. Proceedings of the International Association of Applied Limnology, 12 : 66-77.  

Mountain, Sir Edward (1934) Solving the Mystery of Loch Ness. The Field, 22nd Sept: 668-9  (PDF Format 440K)

Murray, J. (1904) Biology of Loch Ness.  Geographical Journal, 24 : 442-443.  (PDF Format 319K)

Murray, J. and Pullar, L. (Editors). (1903-08) Bathymetrical survey of the fresh-water lochs of Scotland. Geographical Journal, Vols. 22-31. A series of papers by various contributors, preliminary to the six-volume publication of 1910.  

Murray, J. and Pullar, L. (1907). Bathymetrical survey of the fresh-water lochs of Scotland. Part X111 - Lochs of the Ness Basin. Geographical Journal, 30 : 62-71(PDF Format 932K)

Murray, J. and Pullar, L. (1908b). Mirages on Loch Ness. Geographical Journal, 31 : 61-62  

Murray, J. and Pullar, L. (Editors). (1910). Bathymetrical Survey of the Scottish Fresh-Water Lochs. Vols. 1-6. Edinburgh: Challenger Office.  

Mykura, W. (1983) The Old Red Sandstone east of Loch Ness, Inverness-shire. Institute of Geological Sciences, Report 82/13, 26pp.  

Mykura, W. and Owens, B. (1983) The Old Red Sandstone of the Mealfuarvonie Outlier, west of Loch Ness, Inverness-shire. Institute of Geological Sciences, Report 83/7, 17pp.  

Newton, A. (1979) A Study of the Distribution of Aquatic Macrophytes in Loch Morar and its Environs. B.Sc. Dissert. University of London

O'Sullivan, P., Cooper, M., Henon, D., Huckerby, E., Salter, N., Williams, T., Nicholson and Shine, A. Anthropogenic/climate interactions recorded in the sediments of Loch Ness, Scotland. Terra Nostra 2000/7: 5th ELDP Workshop, Pallanza.

O'Sullivan, P., Cooper, M., Shine, A., Huckerby, E., Matthews, N., Salter, N., Henon, D., Jones, V., Williams, T., Nicholson, M., Sandford, R. and Morris, A. (2000) Long -term response of Loch Ness, Scotland, to changes in inputs from its catchment. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27: 2307-2311

Oudemans, A.C. (1934) The Loch Ness Monster. Leyden: Late E.J. Brill  

Pennington, W., Haworth, E.Y., Bonny, A.P. and Lishman, F.P. (1972) Lake sediments in Northern Scotland. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 264: 191-294 

Picots, A.P. (1993) Studies of Bacterioplankton in Loch Ness- Is Growth Limited by Organic Carbon Availability, Mineral Nutrient Availability or Grazing? M.Sc. Dissert. University of Lancaster.  

Pritchard, M.A. (1995) Palaeolimnological Analysis of a Sediment Core from Loch Morar, North West Scotland. B.Sc. Dissert. University of Wolverhampton.  

Razdan, R. and Kielar, A. (1984) Sonar and photographic searches for the Loch Ness Monster: a reassessment . Skeptical Inquirer, 9(2): 147-158  

Reid, M. (1996) A Comment on the Biogeochemistry of an Oligotrophic Loch in Northern Scotland, Loch Ness. B.Sc. Dissert. Dundee University.  

Reynoldson, T.B., Smith, B.D., and Maitland, P.S. (1981). A species of North American triclad (Paludicola; Turbellaria) new to Britain found in Loch Ness, Scotland. Journal of Zoology, 193 : 531 - 539.  

Rines, R.H., Edgerton, H.E. and Needleman, R. (1984) Activities of the Academy of Applied Science Related to Investigations at Loch Ness. Cryptozoology, vol.3, 1984 : 71 -73  

Rines, R.H. & Dougherty, F.M. (2003) Proof Positive- Loch Ness was an ancient arm of the sea. Journal of Scientific Exploration. Vol. 17, No.2: 317-323

Rines, R.H., Wyckoff, C.W., Edgerton, H.E. and Klein, M. (1976). Search for the Loch Ness Monster. Technology Review, March/April 1976 : 25 - 40  

Round, S. (1996) Mineral Magnetic and Geochemical Analysis of a Sediment Core from a small Scottish Loch. B.Sc. Dissert. University of Wolverhampton.  

Sanders, G., Jones, K.C. and Shine, A.J. (1993). The Use of a Sediment Core to Reconstruct the Historical Input of Contaminants to Loch Ness: PCBs and PAHs. Scottish Naturalist 105:87-111  

Searle, F. (1976) Nessie. London: Coronet  

Shine, A.J. (1975) Loch Morar Expedition. Report 

Shine, A.J. (1976) Loch Morar Expedition. Report 

Shine, A.J. (1978) Loch Morar Expedition Report

Shine, A.J. (1979) Loch Ness & Morar Project. Report

Shine, A.J. (1980) Loch Ness & Morar Project. Report

Shine, A.J. (1983) Loch Ness & Morar Project. Report  

Shine, A.J. (1983) The Biology of Loch Ness. New Scientist 17th Feb.  

Shine, A.J. (1993) Postscript: Surgeon or Sturgeon? Scottish Naturalist 105 : 271-282.  

Shine, A.J. Kubecka, J., Martin, D.S. and Duncan, A. (1993) Fish Habitats in Loch Ness. Scottish Naturalist 105 : 237-255.  

Shine, A.J. and Martin, D.S. (1988) Loch Ness Habitats Observed by Sonar and Underwater Television. Scottish Naturalist 105:111-199. 

Shine, A.J. Martin, D.S., Bennett, S. and Marjoram, R.S. (1993) Allochthonous Organic Inputs as an Explanation of Spatial Biomass Gradients Observed in the Pelagic and Profundal Zones of Loch Ness. Scottish Naturalist 105 : 257-269.  

Shine, A.J., Martin, D.S. and Marjoram, R.S. (1993) Spatial Distribution and Diurnal Migration of the Pelagic Fish and Zooplankton in Loch Ness. Scottish Naturalist 105:195-235.  

Shine, A.J., Minshull, R.J. and Shine, M.M. (1993) Historical background and Introduction to the Recent Work of The Loch Ness and Morar Project. Scottish Naturalist 105:7-22.  

Simpson, J. H. (1970). Temperature microstructure of Loch Ness. Proceedings of the Challenger Society, 4 : 64  

Simpson, J.H. and Woods, J.D. (1970) Temperature Microstructure in a Fresh Water Thermocline. Nature 226 : 832 - 834  

Sissons, J.B., (1979a) The Loch Lomond Stadial in the British Isles. Nature, 280: 199-202  

Sissons, J.B. (1979b) Catastrophic lake drainage in Glen Spean and the Great Glen, Scotland. Jl. Geol. Lond. 136 : 215 - 224  

Sissons, J.B. (1981) Late Glacial marine Erosion and a Jokulhlaup deposit in the Beauly Firth. Scottish Journal of Geology 17 (1): 1-19  

Swinton, J. (1996) Diatom Analysis to Assess the Impact of Catchment Afforestation and Deforestation of a Small Scottish Loch. B.Sc. Dissert. University of Wolverhampton.  

Synge, F.M. (1977) Land and sea level changes during the waning of the last regional ice sheet in the vicinity of Inverness. Inverness Field Club, Special Volume, 83-102

Synge, F.M. & Smith, J.S. (1980) Inverness: Field Guide, Quaternary Research Association

Thackeray, S.J., Grey, J. and Jones, R.I. (2000) Feeding Selectivity of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) in Loch Ness, Scotland. Freshwater Forum 13 : 47-59.  

Thorpe, S.A. (1971) Asymmetry of the Internal Seiche in Loch Ness. Nature, 231 : 306-8 

Thorpe, S.A. (1974). Evidence of Kelvin- Holmholtz billows in Loch Ness. Limnology and Oceanography,19 : 973-976.  

Thorpe, S.A. (1977). Turbulence and mixing in a Scottish loch. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A, 286 : 125-181.  

Thorpe, S.A. (1988). ". light on obscure oceanographical problems", an historical review of studies of the physics of Loch Ness. Scottish Naturalist, 1988 : 17-33.  

Thorpe, S.A., Cure, M.S. and Graham, A. (1994) Sonar Observations of Langmuir Circulation and Estimation of Dispersion of Floating Particles. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. Vol 11: 1273 - 1294  

Thorpe, S.A., Hall, A. and Crofts, I. (1972). The internal surge in Loch Ness. Nature, 237 : 96-98.  

Tucker, D.G. and Creasey, D.J. (1970). Some sonar observations in Loch Ness. Proceedings of the Challenger Society, 4 : 91-92.  

Turner, A. J., Woodward, J., Dunning, S. A., Shine, A. J., Stokes, C. R. & O'Cofaigh, C. 2012. Geophysical surveys of the sediments of Loch Ness, Scotland: implications for the deglaciation of the Moray Firth Ice Stream, British–Irish Ice Sheet. Journal of Quaternary Science 27, 221–232.

Wanless, F.R. and Hunter, R. (2001) Freshwater nematodes from Loch Ness, Scotland Part 1. The orders Tylenchida Thorne, 1949 and Rhabditida Chitwood, 1933 (Nematoda, Secernentea). Bull. nat. Hist. Mus. Lond. (Zool.) 67 (1) : 1-24

Watson, E.R. (1904). Movements of the waters of Loch Ness, as indicated by temperature observations. Geographical Journal, 24 : 430-437.   (PDF Format 660K)

Wedderburn, E.M. (1904). Seiches Observed in Loch Ness. The Geographical Journal Vol 24, No.4: 441-442. (PDF Format 125K)

Wedderburn, E.M. (1907). The temperature of the fresh-water lochs of Scotland, with special reference to Loch Ness. With appendix containing observations made in Loch Ness by members of the Scottish Lake Survey. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 45 : 407-489.

West, G. (1908) The Aquatic Flora of the Ness Basin. The Geographical Journal, Vol. 31, No 1 : 67 -72.  

Wheeler, A. (2000) The Structure and Periodicity of Laminae in Holocene Sediment Cores from Loch Ness, Scotland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Wolverhampton.  

Williams, P.A. (1995) Loch Ness-A Study of the Relative Importance of Grazer and Detritus Food Chains in the North and South Basins. B.Sc. Dissert.  

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